مجلة أجسر – مجلة عربية محكمة في مجال العلوم – زورو موقعنا


01:20 مساءً

تاريخ النشر

18, أغسطس 2020


وحدة الدراسات والبحوث

منظمة المجتمع العلمي العربي

قائمة الأوراق البحثية العربية المنشورة منذ عام 2015 مرتبة حسب عدد الاقتباسات حول ما يلي: النيماتودا الحويصلية (Heterodera spp)، نيماتودا تقرح الجذور (Pratylenchus spp)، النيماتودا الحلزونية (Helicotylenchus spp)، نيماتودا التقزم (Tylenchorhynchus spp)، مرض عفن الجذور العام للقمح (Bipolaris sorokiniana)، عفن جذور الفيتوفثورا (Pythium spp)، عفن جذور الحنطة (Rhizoctonia solani)، طفيل جذور الحبوب (Polymyxa graminis)، لفحة الفيوزاريوم أو مرض عفن جذور وتاج القمح (Fusarium graminearum, F. avenaceum, F. pseudograminearum, F. culmorum).




  • المصدرScopus
  • نوع الأوراق: Article & Review




  1. Root-hair endophyte stacking in finger millet creates a physicochemical barrier to trap the fungal pathogen Fusarium graminearum
    Mousa, W.K., Shearer, C., Limay-Rios, V., Ettinger, C.L., Eisen, J.A., Raizada, M.N.
    (2016) Nature Microbiology, 1, art. no. 16167, . 
  2. Antagonist effects of Bacillus spp. strains against Fusarium graminearum for protection of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum)
    Zalila-Kolsi, I., Ben Mahmoud, A., Ali, H., Sellami, S., Nasfi, Z., Tounsi, S., Jamoussi, K.
    (2016) Microbiological Research, 192, pp. 148-158. 
  3. Ijuhya vitellina sp. nov., a novel source for chaetoglobosin A, is a destructive parasite of the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera filipjevi
    Ashrafi, S., Helaly, S., Schroers, H.-J., Stadler, M., Richert-Poeggeler, K.R., Dababat, A.A., Maier, W.
    (2017) PLoS ONE, 12 (7), art. no. e0180032, . 
  4. Biocontrol and plant growth promoting properties of Streptomyces mutabilis strain IA1 isolated from a Saharan soil on wheat seedlings and visualization of its niches of colonization
    Toumatia, O., Compant, S., Yekkour, A., Goudjal, Y., Sabaou, N., Mathieu, F., Sessitsch, A., Zitouni, A.
    (2016) South African Journal of Botany, 105, pp. 234-239. 
  5. Wheat Dehydrin K-Segments Ensure Bacterial Stress Tolerance, Antiaggregation and Antimicrobial Effects
    Drira, M., Saibi, W., Amara, I., Masmoudi, K., Hanin, M., Brini, F.
    (2015) Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 175 (7), pp. 3310-3321. 
  6. Population genetic structure and mycotoxin potential of the wheat crown rot and head blight pathogen Fusarium culmorum in Algeria
    Laraba, I., Boureghda, H., Abdallah, N., Bouaicha, O., Obanor, F., Moretti, A., Geiser, D.M., Kim, H.-S., McCormick, S.P., Proctor, R.H., Kelly, A.C., Ward, T.J., O'Donnell, K.
    (2017) Fungal Genetics and Biology, 103, pp. 34-41. 
  7. Genome-wide association study in wheat identifies resistance to the cereal cyst nematode heterodera filipjevi
    Pariyar, S.R., Dababat, A.A., Sannemann, W., Erginbas-Orakci, G., Elashry, A., Siddique, S., Morgounov, A., Leon, J., Grundler, F.M.W.
    (2016) Phytopathology, 106 (10), pp. 1128-1138. 
  8. In vitro assessment of Fusarium head blight spp. on wheat cultivars
    Sakr, N.
    (2017) Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 50 (5-6), pp. 254-261. 
  9. Aggressiveness of four fusarium head blight species on wheat cultivars
    Sakr, N.
    (2017) Advances in Horticultural Science, 31 (3), pp. 199-203. 
  10. Antifungal Activity of Aqueous Extracts of Some Dominant Algerian Medicinal Plants
    Salhi, N., Mohammed Saghir, S.A., Terzi, V., Brahmi, I., Ghedairi, N., Bissati, S.
    (2017) BioMed Research International, 2017, art. no. 7526291, . 
  11. A new player contributing to durable Fusarium resistance
    Lagudah, E.S., Krattinger, S.G.
    (2019) Nature Genetics, 51 (7), pp. 1070-1071. 
  12. Biological control of pathogens associated with kernel black point disease of wheat
    El-Gremi, S.M., Draz, I.S., Youssef, W.A.-E.
    (2017) Crop Protection, 91, pp. 13-19. 
  13. Diversity of root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus spp.) associated with wheat (Triticum aestivum and T. durum) in Morocco
    Mokrini, F., Waeyenberge, L., Viaene, N., Andaloussi, F.A., Moens, M.
    (2016) Nematology, 18 (7), pp. 781-801. 
  14. Identification and characterisation of resistance to the cereal cystnematode Heterodera filipjevi in winter wheat
    Pariyar, S.R., Dababat, A.A., Siddique, S., Erginbas-Orakci, G., Elashry, A., Morgounov, A., Grundler, F.M.W.
    (2016) Nematology, 18 (4), pp. 377-402. 
  15. Characterization of cereal cyst nematodes (Heterodera spp.) in Morocco based on morphology, morphometrics and rDNA-ITS sequence analysis
    Mokrini, F., Viaene, N., Waeyenberge, L., Dababat, A.A., Moens, M.
    (2017) Journal of Plant Protection Research, 57 (3), pp. 219-227. 
  16. Pathogenicity and trichothecenes production of Fusarium culmorum strains causing head blight on wheat and evaluation of resistance of the varieties cultivated in Algeria
    Touati-Hattab, S., Barreau, C., Verdal-Bonnin, M.-N., Chereau, S., Richard-Forget, F., Hadjout, S., Mekliche, L., Bouznad, Z.
    (2016) European Journal of Plant Pathology, 145 (4), pp. 797-814. 
  17. Aggressiveness variation among and within fusarium head blight species on barley in vitro
    Sakr, N.
    (2018) Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 53 (1), pp. 1-10. 
  18. Efficacy of some rhizospheric and endophytic bacteria in vitro and as seed coating for the control of Fusarium culmorum infecting durum wheat in Tunisia
    Mnasri, N., Chennaoui, C., Gargouri, S., Mhamdi, R., Hessini, K., Elkahoui, S., Djébali, N.
    (2017) European Journal of Plant Pathology, 147 (3), pp. 501-515. 
  19. Genetic variation and biological control of Fusarium graminearum isolated from wheat in Assiut-Egypt
    Mahmoud, A.F.
    (2016) Plant Pathology Journal, 32 (2), pp. 145-156. 
  20. Prevalence of Fusarium fungi and their toxins in marketed feed
    Hassan, Z.U., Al Thani, R., Balmas, V., Migheli, Q., Jaoua, S.
    (2019) Food Control, 104, pp. 224-230. 
  21. Seed inoculation with endophytic fungal entomopathogens promotes plant growth and reduces crown and root rot (CRR) caused by Fusarium culmorum in wheat
    Jaber, L.R.
    (2018) Planta, 248 (6), pp. 1525-1535. 
  22. Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Toxigenic Fusarium spp. and Deoxynivalenol Secretion in Some Grains
    El-Naggar, M.A., Alrajhi, A.M., Fouda, M.M., Abdelkareem, E.M., Thabit, T.M., Bouqellah, N.A.
    (2018) Journal of AOAC International, 101 (5), pp. 1534-1541. 
  23. Characterisation of cereal cyst nematodes in Egypt based on morphometrics, RFLP and rDNA-ITS sequence analyses
    Baklawa, M., Niere, B., Heuer, H., Massoud, S.
    (2015) Nematology, 17 (1), pp. 103-115. 
  24. Intra- and inter-species variability of the aggressiveness in four Fusarium head blight species on durum wheat plants detected in an in vitro Petri-dish assay
    Sakr, N.
    (2018) Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 51 (15-16), pp. 814-823. 
  25. Cereal cyst nematodes: importance, distribution, identification, quantification, and control
    Toumi, F., Waeyenberge, L., Viaene, N., Dababat, A.A., Nicol, J.M., Ogbonnaya, F., Moens, M.
    (2018) European Journal of Plant Pathology, 150 (1), . 
  26. Impacts of previous crops on Fusarium foot and root rot, and on yields of durum wheat in North West Tunisia
    Chekali, S., Gargouri, S., Rezgui, M., Paulitz, T., Nasraoui, B.
    (2016) Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 55 (2), pp. 253-261. 
  27. A quantitative proteomics view on the function of Qfhb1, a major QTL for fusarium head blight resistance in wheat
    Eldakak, M., Das, A., Zhuang, Y., Rohila, J.S., Glover, K., Yen, Y.
    (2018) Pathogens, 7 (3), art. no. 58, . 
  28. Investigation of resistance to Pratylenchus penetrans and P. thornei in international wheat lines and its durability when inoculated together with the cereal cyst nematode Heterodera avenae, using qPCR for nematode quantification
    Mokrini, F., Viaene, N., Waeyenberge, L., Dababat, A.A., Moens, M.
    (2018) European Journal of Plant Pathology, 151 (4), pp. 875-889. 
  29. Identification and quantification of fumonisin-producing Fusarium species in grain and soil samples from Egypt and the Philippines
    Hussien, T., Carlobos-Lopez, A.L., Cumagun, C.R., Yli-Mattila, T.
    (2017) Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 56 (1), pp. 146-153. 
  30. Antifungal activity of cultivated oyster mushrooms on various agro-wastes [A actividade anti-fúngica de cogumelos de ostra cultivada em várias agro-resíduos]
    Owaid, M.N., Al-Saeedi, S.S.S., Al-Assaffii, I.A.A.
    (2017) Summa Phytopathologica, 43 (1), pp. 9-13. 
  31. Biocontrol and plant-growth-promoting capacities of actinobacterial strains from the Algerian Sahara and characterisation of Streptosporangium becharense SG1 as a promising biocontrol agent
    Boukaya, N., Goudjal, Y., Zamoum, M., Chaabane Chaouch, F., Sabaou, N., Mathieu, F., Zitouni, A.
    (2018) Biocontrol Science and Technology, 28 (9), pp. 858-873. 
  32. Monitoring of Fusarium wheat head blight distribution, its causal agents, and pathogenicity variation in Al-Ghab plain, Syria
    Al-Chaabi, S., Al-Masri, S., Nehlawi, A., Al-Matroud, L., Abu-Fadel, T.
    (2018) Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 36 (2), pp. 98-113. 
  33. Different grain grinding methods affect detection of Fusarium graminearum DNA and mycotoxins
    Yli-Mattila, T., Rämö, S., Hussien, T., Rauvola, M., Hietaniemi, V., Kaitaranta, J.
    (2017) Phytopathologia Mediterranea, 56 (1), pp. 167-174. 
  34. Unconventional alternatives for control of tomato root rot caused by Rhizoctonia solani under greenhouse conditions
    Hamza, A., Mohamed, A., Derbalah, A.
    (2016) Journal of Plant Protection Research, 56 (3), pp. 298-305. 
  35. Occurrence of polymyxa graminis ribotypes in Germany and their association with different host plants and viruses
    Ziegler, A., Fomitcheva, V., Zakri, A.M., Kastirr, U.
    (2016) Cereal Research Communications, 44 (2), pp. 251-262. 
  36. Wheat protection from root rot caused by Fusarium culmorum using silver nanoparticles
    Rashed, A.-O.M., Mohamed, A.-E.-A.A.R., Abobakr, M.M.
    (2016) Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 38 (5), pp. 898-903. 
  37. Green-synthesization of silver nanoparticles using endophytic bacteria isolated from garlic and its antifungal activity against wheat fusarium head blight pathogen fusarium graminearum
    Ibrahim, E., Zhang, M., Zhang, Y., Hossain, A., Qiu, W., Chen, Y., Wang, Y., Wu, W., Sun, G., Li, B.
    (2020) Nanomaterials, 10 (2), art. no. 219, . 
  38. Genome-wide association study for multiple biotic stress resistance in synthetic hexaploid wheat
    Bhatta, M., Morgounov, A., Belamkar, V., Wegulo, S.N., Dababat, A.A., Erginbas-Orakci, G., Bouhssini, M.E., Gautam, P., Poland, J., Akci, N., Demir, L., Wanyera, R., Baenziger, P.S.
    (2019) International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20 (15), art. no. 3667, . 
  39. Antifungal inhibitory activity of thymus vulgarisl.and Artemisia herba-alba powder and its constituent phytochemicals against Aspergillus ochraceus and fusarium graminearum growth
    Al-Baldawy, M.S.M., Matloob, A.A.A.H., Khaeim, H.M.
    (2019) Plant Archives, 19 (1), pp. 801-804. 
  40. FcRav2, a gene with a ROGDI domain involved in Fusarium head blight and crown rot on durum wheat caused by Fusarium culmorum
    Spanu, F., Scherm, B., Camboni, I., Balmas, V., Pani, G., Oufensou, S., Macciotta, N., Pasquali, M., Migheli, Q.
    (2018) Molecular Plant Pathology, 19 (3), pp. 677-688. 
  41. Geographic distribution of Fusarium culmorum chemotypes associated with wheat crown rot in Iraq
    Matny, O.N., Bates, S.T., Song, Z.
    (2017) Journal of Plant Protection Research, 57 (1), pp. 43-49. 
  42. Variation in resistance to spot blotch and the aggressiveness of Bipolaris sorokiniana on barley and wheat cultivars
    Al-Sadi, A.M.
    (2016) Journal of Plant Pathology, 98 (1), pp. 97-103. 
  43. Synthesis, Spectroscopic Studies of Fluorinated Pyrimido-1,2,4-Triazines: Protective Effect Against Some Plant Pathogenic Fungi
    Aqlan, F.M.S., Makki, M.S.T., Abdel-Rahman, R.M.
    (2016) Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 53 (4), pp. 1310-1317. 
  44. Distribution of the cereal cyst nematodes (Heterodera spp.) in wheat and barley fields in north-eastern regions of Syria
    Toumi, F., Hassan, G., Waeyenberge, L., Viaene, N., Dababat, A.A., Nicol, J., Ogbonnaya, F., Al-Assas, K., Al-Fadil, T.A., Moens, M.
    (2015) Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 122 (5-6), pp. 255-263. 
  45. Contributions of three upper leaves of wheat, either healthy or inoculated by Bipolaris sorokiniana, to yield and yield components
    El Wazziki, H., El Yousfi, B., Serghat, S.
    (2015) Australian Journal of Crop Science, 9 (7), pp. 629-637. 
  46. Isolation and characterization of halotolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria from durum wheat (Triticum turgidum subsp. durum) cultivated in saline areas of the dead sea region
    Albdaiwi, R.N., Khyami-Horani, H., Ayad, J.Y., Alananbeh, K.M., Al-Sayaydeh, R.
    (2020) Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 10, art. no. 1639, . 
  47. Occurrence of Fusarium head blight and Fusarium crown rot in Algerian wheat: identification of associated species and assessment of aggressiveness
    Abdallah-Nekache, N., Laraba, I., Ducos, C., Barreau, C., Bouznad, Z., Boureghda, H.
    (2019) European Journal of Plant Pathology, 154 (3), pp. 499-512. 
  48. Host suitability of different wheat lines to Pratylenchus thornei under naturally infested field conditions in Turkey
    Dababat, A.A., Mokrini, F., Laasli, S.-E., Yildiz, S., Erginbas-Orakci, G., Duman, N., Ímren, M.
    (2019) Nematology, 21 (6), pp. 557-571. 
  49. Antifungal activity of some indigenous lactic acid bacteria isolated from soft wheat
    Djaaboub, S., Moussaoui, A., Meddah, B., Makhloufi, S., Gouri, S., El Khatib, R.
    (2018) Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 12 (1), pp. 111-118. 
  50. Phenotypic and biochemical characterization of new advanced durum wheat breeding lines from Algeria that show resistance to fusarium head blight and to mycotoxin accumulation
    Hadjout, S., Chéreau, S., Atanasova-Pénichon, V., Marchegay, G., Mekliche, L., Boureghda, H., Barreau, C., Touati-Hattab, S., Bouznad, Z., Richard-Forget, F.
    (2017) Journal of Plant Pathology, 99 (3), pp. 671-680. 
  51. Biocontrol of wheat Fusarium crown and root rot by Trichoderma spp. and evaluation of their cell wall degrading enzymes activities
    Dendouga, W., Boureghda, H., Belhamra, M.
    (2016) Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica, 51 (1), pp. 1-12. 
  52. Elgin-ND spring wheat: A newly adapted cultivar to the north-central plains of the united states with high agronomic and quality performance
    Mergoum, M., Simsek, S., Zhong, S., Acevedo, M., Friesen, T.L., Alamri, M.S., Xu, S., Liu, Z.
    (2016) Journal of Plant Registrations, 10 (2), pp. 130-134. 
  53. Selection of spring bread wheat genotypes for resistance to cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae Woll.) based on field performance and molecular markers
    Moustafa, K.A., Al-Doss, A.A., Motawei, M.I., Al-Otayk, S., Dawabah, A.A., Abdel-Mawgood, A.L., Al-Rehiayani, S.M., Al-Hazmi, A.S.
    (2015) Plant OMICS, 8 (5), pp. 392-397. 
  54. Specific Detection and Identification of Fusarium graminearum Sensu Stricto Using a PCR-RFLP Tool and Specific Primers Targeting the Translational Elongation Factor 1a Gene
    Hafez, M., Abdelmagid, A., Adam, L.R., Daayf, F.
    (2020) Plant Disease, 104 (4), pp. 1076-1086. 
  55. Nocardiopsis dassonvillei strain MB22 from the Algerian Sahara promotes wheat seedlings growth and potentially controls the common root rot pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana
    Allali, K., Goudjal, Y., Zamoum, M., Bouznada, K., Sabaou, N., Zitouni, A.
    (2019) Journal of Plant Pathology, 101 (4), pp. 1115-1125. 
  56. Study of the fungal complex responsible for root rot of wheat and barley in the north-west of Morocco
    Qostal, S., Kribel, S., Chliyeh, M., Serghat, S., KarimaSelmaoui, A.O.T., Zaarati, H., Benkirane, R., Douira, A.
    (2019) Plant Archives, 19 (2), pp. 2143-2157. 
  57. Morphological and molecular variation between Fusarium avenaceum, Fusarium arthrosporioides and Fusarium anguioides strains
    Yli-Mattila, T., Hussien, T., Gavrilova, O., Gagkaeva, T.
    (2018) Pathogens, 7 (4), art. no. 94, . 
  58. Particle bombardment-mediated co-transformation of the Cht-2 gene in wheat and the associated changes in defense mechanisms in transgenic plants infected with Fusarium graminearum
    Hashem, H.A., Hassanein, R.A., Fahmy, A.H., Ibrahim, A.S., El Shihyh, O.M., Qaid, E.A.
    (2018) Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 14, pp. 204-214. 
  59. Influence of temperature and storage conditions on the hatching behavior of cereal cyst nematodes (Heterodera avenae Wollenweber) from Egypt
    Baklawa, M., Niere, B., Massoud, S.
    (2017) Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 124 (3), pp. 213-225. 
  60. Evaluation and managing wheat seed-borne diseases: Options and suggestions from the case of Tajikistan
    Husenov, B., Asaad, S., Muminjanov, H., Garkava-Gustavsson, L., Yorgancillar, A., Johansson, E.
    (2017) Cereal Research Communications, 45 (1), pp. 124-138. 
  61. First record of mycetophagous nematode Aphelenchus avenae in Iraq with description and testing their propagation on different fungus culture
    Esataher, I., Ami, S.N., Haleem, R.A., Shareef, B.S.
    (2017) Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum, 14 (3), pp. 251-259. 
  62. Screening of soil rhizobacteria isolated from wheat plants grown in the Marrakech region (Morocco, North Africa) for plant growth promoting activities
    Chrouqi, L., Ouahmane, L., Jadrane, I., Koussa, T., Al Feddy, M.N.
    (2017) Journal of Materials and Environmental Science, 8 (9), pp. 3382-3390. 
  63. From FHB Resistance QTLs to Candidate Genes Identification in Triticum aestivum L.
    Choura, M., Hanin, M., Rebaï, A., Masmoudi, K.
    (2016) Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences, 8 (4), pp. 352-356. 
  64. Seed borne fungal pathogens associated with common egyptian seeds and their efficiency to produce saponin hydrolase enzyme
    Sahab, A.F., Amin, H.A., Ziedan, S.H.
    (2016) International Journal of ChemTech Research, 9 (11), pp. 299-307. 
  65. Role of plant-growth promoting fungi (PGPF) in defensive genes expression of Triticum aestivum against wilt disease
    El-Maraghy, S.S., Tohamy, T.A., Hussein, K.A.
    (2020) Rhizosphere, 15, art. no. 100223, . 
  66. Future climate significantly alters fungal plant pathogen dynamics during the early phase of wheat litter decomposition
    Wahdan, S.F.M., Hossen, S., Tanunchai, B., Schädler, M., Buscot, F., Purahong, W.
    (2020) Microorganisms, 8 (6), art. no. 908, pp. 1-17. 
  67. Maximization of siderophores production from biocontrol agents, Pseudomonas aeruginosa F2 and Pseudomonas fluorescens JY3 using batch and exponential fed-batch fermentation
    Abo-Zaid, G.A., Soliman, N.A.-M., Abdullah, A.S., El-Sharouny, E.E., Matar, S.M., Sabry, S.A.-F.
    (2020) Processes, 8 (4), art. no. 455, . 
  68. The biological sterilization efficiency test in controlling pathogenic fungus rhizoctonia spp. which infects potatoes (solanum tuberosum)
    Hashi, M.A.K., Kareem, T.A.A.S.
    (2020) Plant Archives, 20 (1), pp. 1748-1754. 
  69. Activity of leaves and root extracts of chenopodium album against damping-off disease on bread wheat under greenhouse conditions
    Alkooranee, J.T.
    (2020) Plant Archives, 20 (1), pp. 1479-1482. 
  70. Study of the infestation of durum wheat with cyst nematodes of genus "heterodera " in two localities (medea, Algeria)
    Zohra, R., Aissa, M., Miloud, H., Nadia, T.
    (2020) Plant Archives, 20, pp. 2626-2631. 
  71. Plant-parasitic nematodes on cereals in northern Kazakhstan
    Dababat, A., İmren, M., Pridannikov, M., Özer, G., Zhapayev, R., Mokrini, F., Otemissova, A., Yerimbetova, A., Morgounov, A.
    (2020) Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, . 
  72. The b-ZIP transcription factor FgTfmI is required for the fungicide phenamacril tolerance and pathogenecity in Fusarium graminearum
    Liu, N., Wu, S., Dawood, D.H., Tang, G., Zhang, C., Liang, J., Chen, Y., Ma, Z.
    (2019) Pest Management Science, 75 (12), pp. 3312-3322. 
  73. Comparative pathogenesis of 7 fusarium spp. species and bipolaris sorokiniana obtained from necrotic lesions of wheat roots and barley plants (North-Western Morocco)
    Qostal, S., Kribel, S., Chliyeh, M., Selmaoui, K., Touhami, A.O., Serghat, S., Benkirane, R., Douira, A.
    (2019) Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 20 (5-6), pp. 261-274. 
  74. Curvularia spicifera, a parasite of the fungal complex of root rot of wheat and barley in Morocco
    Qostal, S., Kribel, S., Chliyeh, M., Selmaoui, K., Touhami, A.O., Serghat, S., Zaarati, H., Benkirane, R., Douira, A.
    (2019) Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology, 20 (9-10), pp. 354-365. 
  75. Interaction of nitrogen fertilizers with wheat growth stage and foliar treatment with urea effects on wheat crown rot induced by Fusarium culmorum
    Baha Eddine, S., EL Yousfi, B., Douira, A.
    (2019) Plant Archives, 19 (2), pp. 2829-2835. 
  76. Ability of manufacturing of bioformulations using trichoderma spp for biological control of some plant pathogenic fungi
    Mshari, A.
    (2019) Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 11 (6), pp. 8-13. 
  77. Pyocyanin, a Metabolite of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Exhibits Antifungal Drug Activity through Inhibition of a Pleiotropic Drug Resistance Subfamily FgABC3
    Houshaymi, B., Awada, R., Kedees, M., Soayfane, Z.
    (2019) Drug Research, 69 (12), pp. 658-664. 
  78. Morphological and molecular identification of cyst nematode species (Heterodera spp.) in Algerian cereal fields
    Smaha, D., Mokrini, F., İmren, M., Mokabli, A., Dababat, A.A.
    (2019) Journal of Plant Protection Research, 59 (3), pp. 400-411. 
  79. Occurrence of nematode-antagonistic fungi and bacteria associated with phytonematodes in the rhizosphere of wheat grown in different governorates of Egypt
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الموقع قائم على مبدأ الترخيص العام للجمهور في حرية النسخ والنقل والاقتباس من جميع المحتويات والنشرات والكتب والمقالات، دون مقابل وبشكل مجاني أبدي، شريطة أن يكون العمل المستفيد من النسخ أو النقل أو الاقتباس متاحا بترخيص مجاني وبذات شروط هذا الموقع، وأن تتم الاشارة إلى منشورنا وفق الأصول العلمية، ذكرا للكاتب والعنوان والموقع والتاريخ.

هذا والموقع يساعد المؤلف على نشر إنتاجه بلا مقابل من منفعة معنوية أو مادية، شريطة أن يكون العمل متوفراً للنسخ أو النقل أو الاقتباس للجمهور بشكل مجاني. ثم إن التكاليف التي يتكبدها الموقع والعاملون عليه تأتي من مساعدات ومعونات يقبلها الموقع ما لم تكن مرتبطة بأي شرط مقابل تلك المعونات.

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